Dennis Elliott Of Foreigner: A Surprising Second Career

Where are they now?

What ever happened to so and so?

Aren’t those the types of questions we all ask at some point when talking about those bands we loved when we were younger? I know I’ve uttered those questions numerous times as I’ve wondered about many of the musicians who played at the Erie County Fieldhouse.

Often, finding the answers to those questions is my goal with this blog. Sometimes the artist prefers to speak with me directly (e.g., Walter Egan, Marty Lee, Rick Witkowski), while others prefer responding via email to my questions. The latter was what Dennis Elliott preferred for this blog.

Foreigner backstage - crock

(l-R) Ian McDonald, Dennis Elliott, Ed Gagliardi members of Foreigner backstage at Erie County Fieldhouse, Erie, PA 1977 (photo by Jeff Crock)

Elliott was the original drummer for Foreigner, and he stayed with the band until the early 1990s. What really intrigued me about him, though — and the reason I chose him for this blog — is what he did after those years with the band. Continue reading